My Full name is Ibnu Naufal, currently working as Mobile Developer. Passionate and Delighted to develop mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Not only mobile development, I also love to do any front-end work. Love to improve the little part of the UI that was not adjusted perfectly. Attention to detail, dude! 👀
As a good lifelong learner, I do finishing several courses at Udemy to improve my skills, and here it was.
- ⦿ React Native Practical Guide By Academind
- ⦿ SwiftUI Masterclass By Robert Petras
- ⦿ Flutter & Dart Completion Guide By Academind
When I think about how and why something works, I try hard to find out about it. Like what happens, I curious about Swift, and I do some courses to learn how things work (although the course was not finished yet🫣). I am curious about Svelte, ReactJS, or NextJS, and I do a Hello World project on these languages. It feels like my curiosity guides me to do it.
When I am on my free time, sometimes I write a little note that maybe on the next time I need to read it back. Here is several examples of my blogs.
Here is several projects that I have worked before, click one of them to see details.